Homecoming 2016
The campus is gearing up in excitement for Homecoming 2016, and seeing who will be crowned Homecoming King and Queen. The freshman candidates are Taylor Mabry and Caleb Overcast. The sophomore candidates are Amber Donoho and Shawn Richardson. The junior candidates are Katrina Vanderploeg and Cole Hibler. The senior representatives are Breanna Haack and Chris Racchini. The sports representatives are David Lewis and Allison Cochran. The homecoming games are Saturday the January, 23rd. The women’s game is at 1 pm and Men’s game is at 3 pm. The crowing will take place during the half-time of the men’s game. Be sure to come out to see the winners and cheer on our Bears!
There will be an Alumni Basketball game following the men’s game. Come cheer on the alumni! If you want more information please contact Royce Bryan.