Bear’s Soccer Joins HFC for Ministry in Mexico
The Barclay College Men’s Soccer team will be joining with the Haviland Friends Church and Siete Ejidos Friends Church in Sinalo, Mexico to provide an outreach ministry in Siete Ejidos and the local areas. The plan is for the team, along with Trent and Christy Jacks, and Chuck Townsend from Haviland Friends Church, to travel to Siete Ejidos over Fall Break, October 13 – 20. The ministry will include relationship building and special events for children and of course soccer games with a couple of local town teams. The “goal” of the trip is to join with the local church as it reaches out to the local community, especially to the men who have thus far not shown a lot of interest in the church. The cost of the trip is roughly $300 per person not including travel visas. We would like to encourage our alumni soccer players and fans to utilize the alumni soccer game event as an opportunity to help send them out as disciples who are making disciples. If you would like to contribute to this, please designate your gift with the title BARCLAY COLLEGE SOCCER MISSIONS TRIP to MEXICO 2013.